• Phone Number: 571-375-8440 | infor@pederec.org
  • 14115 Lovers Ln., Ste. 154, Culpeper, VA 22701-4158
We provide support to parents to help them build a balance between their personal lives and caring for a child.

At PEDEREC INC., we provide support to parents experiencing the challenge of bringing up a child with autism, and the intricacies of dealing with their other children who may be perplexed as to why their sibling may be receiving different treatment from their parent. Our goal is to create an environment where parents can learn from the experiences of other parents, share their concerns, and receive the appropriate coaching that will help them build an inclusive and resilient family. We provide support to parents on strategies that will help them build a balance between their personal lives, the intense demands of caring for a child with autism, and meeting the needs of all their children.

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Contact us for any questions you may have.